Pixaria Gallery Version 2.3.4

Pixaria Gallery Version 2.3.4: "



Core Features

* Web based image library software powered by PHP and MySQL.

* Sell image downloads and physical products via your own website.

* Grant image upload rights to selected, registered users.

* Multiple languages supported in the front end interface

* PayPal and 2Checkout integration for instant download of purchased images.

* Secure administration interface for managing your library and sales.

Advanced administration tools

* Complete shopping cart and purchase management system.

* Automatic IPTC and EXIF metadata import support.

* Image download, search query and user authentication logging.

* Secure your images with Adobe Flash image display and customisable watermarking.

* User and group level access control management.

Image research tools

* Full text, keyword searching with boolean (and/or/not) operators.

* Image colour searching.

* Up to ten customisable lightboxes per user.

* Integrated system for searching for related images by keyword.

* Simple, in window (AJAX) slideshow for quick and easy browsing.

* PDF contact sheet download from lightbox view.






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